We'll have prizes, a raffle, table games, and more.
Do you know lots of fun facts… useless knowledge or otherwise?
The Decatur Area Arts Council is hosting a new fundraising event with its Trivia Night on Sat., Feb. 19, 2022, at the Richland Community College Shilling Center. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. Trivia starts 6 p.m.
Teams of up to eight fact-filled brains are invited to challenge themselves and other teams in a fun-filled evening of 10 rounds of questions and answers. But much more than just a Q&A is planned. We'll have prizes, a raffle, table games, and more.
The RCC Culinary Institute will provide a cash bar and snacks to purchase. (No outside food or drinks are permitted… it’s a fundraiser.)
The cost to play is $10 per person or $80 for a table team of eight. Individuals and/or teams can sign up online at DecaturArts.org.
Looking for a fun way to promote your business and help the Arts Council at the same time?
You or your business can help the Arts Council by sponsoring a round of questions for $100. We’ll post your name and logo in the hall and on the slides, as well as give you a shout-out during your question round. Contact us at 217-423-3189.