Our first gallery opening event since March 2020!
The Decatur Area Arts Council is presenting an exhibit entitled "Discover MEXICO" from June 4-July 28 in the Anne Lloyd Gallery at the Madden Arts Center, 125 N. Water Street in downtown Decatur. The exhibit includes a wide array of art forms, including Pre-Colombian and indigenous artifacts, unique pottery pieces representing many regions of Mexico, hand woven baskets and textiles, ceremonial and religious artifacts and costumes, metalwork, tooled leather, decorative items and more! Through the artwork, visitors will get a sense of the unique history and heritage of our neighboring country, Mexico!
Gallery hours are Monday-Friday 8:30 am-4:30 pm and Saturdays 10 am-2 pm. The exhibit is open free to the public. All current health guidelines must be observed when visiting the gallery.
Items on display come from private collectors throughout Central Illinois, as well as the Spurlock Museum and Cinema Gallery in Champaign.
Listen to the postcast about the Discover MEXICO exhibit. CLICK HERE
An opening cultural event on Friday evening, June 4 from 5-7:30 pm celebrates the Mexican culture – a “must see” opportunity for the entire family!
- Free exhibit in the Anne Lloyd Gallery.
- Ballet Folklorico Sol de Mexico dance troupe.
- Hands-on artmaking.
- Authentic cuisine sold outside by Smack'n Tacos food truck.
- Other downtown galleries open include Blue Connection, Gallery 510, and The ArtFarm.
Field trips that include a tour and discussion of the exhibit and a hands-on art project can be arranged for youth or adult groups. CLICK HERE
Thanks to generous contributors, the exhibit and events are open free to the public. It is partially supported by a grant from the Illinois Arts Council Agency.
Sponsored by Cromwell Media.
CLICK HERE for more information.