The Decatur Area Arts Council announces the 15th anniversary of A Night of Poetry. DAAC joins with Millikin University’s Bronze Man Books and Blue Satellite Press to host the event in celebration of National Poetry Month on Thursday, April 11th, 2019, 6:30-8:30 pm at the Anne Lloyd Gallery in the Madden Arts Center located at 125 N. Water Street in downtown Decatur.
Musical entertainment will be provided by local singer/songwriter, Kristen Nelson. Featured readers include Millikin professors: Stephen Frech, and Randy Brooks. The event also welcomes back Ron Lybarger (Eisenhower HS teacher), Will Reger (ISU professor), and Phil Shils (local published poet). New to the event this year are Teague Bohlen, presenting from a new book entitled “Flatland” and Jacqueline Hollis-George. An open mic session mid-evening offers all poets – experienced or novice – to share their writing. The event is free and open to the public. Refreshments will be provided.
This event is an opportunity to hear great poetry and perhaps participate as well. For additional information about this event or directions, please contact the Decatur Area Arts Council at (217)-423-3189 or via e-mail at