Bus trip - "& Juliet" - Thurs,, May 22, 2025


Thursday, May 22, 2025
(all day)


Fabulous Fox Theater, St. Louis


Bus Trip

What would happen next if Juliet didn’t end it all over Romeo and instead ditches her famous ending for a fresh beginning and a second chance at life and love—her way.

$249 - Center orchestra/Center mezzanine seating

Ticket price includes transportation to and from the Fabulous Fox with drop-off and pickup right in front of the theatre; buffet lunch at the Fox; a bag of treats for the ride home; your bus driver’s tip, and of course, premium show seating. (Please note, though not guaranteed, the Fox will try to arrange to move our mezzanine seats to orchestra when possible.)

A $50 deposit per seat/show is required. Tickets are limited!

To reserve your tickets, stop by the Decatur Area Arts Council at 125 N. Water St or call 217-423-3189.

For more information, visit the link below.

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